Must Read ★ MM们必读事项

-----Terms and Condition-----
★ Goods sold are not refundable or exchangeable. Unless it's our own mistake. We do not accept opened bottles returned for any reasons.

★If the order is canceled after payment, only 50% of the amount will be given back.

★Seller will not be responsible for the loss or damage of the delivery.

★BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK.We will not responsible of any problem of your eyes.

★No guarantee that your eyes are suitable for those lenses. Only guarantee on the authenticity of the lenses.

★Please do your payment of order within 3 days after submit your order

★100% refund will be made if your order is Out Of Stock.

★Our stock don't have next day arrive policy (except stated), please be patient

★Please KEEP THE RECEIPT, recently there is a lot of cheaters who have lied they had make payment

★Make payment only if you can accept all the terms and conditions which stated above. Once the payment has been made means that you have agreed.




★邮寄时所造成的遗失,损坏或迟到 一概不负责,建议使用快递

★如果眼睛出了什么问题,后果自己承担 [ 目前为止没有出过任何问题 ]

★我们不能保证每个 MM 都适合带隐性眼镜,我们只能保证 lens 是好质量的

★客户必须在下单后的3天付清款项,若要延迟必须事先通知,否 则訂单将被取消


★如果已经断货了,我们会退还100% MM 所付的钱.


★RESIT最好KEEP住最近很多骗子冒充说汇款了,或者在别的卖家买的 Lens,买了有问题的时候就说是我们的



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